By Terry Robb

from Hymn
from Hymn
Ideal for casual listening or meditative moods, this 12-song collection of solo acoustic guitar instrumentals offers distinctive renditions of traditional and contemporary hymns and spirituals. Combining new with familiar, calm with upbeat, dissonant with harmonious, Hymn brings you deeper into reflection, worship and praise. These songs are an ideal accompaniment for most any time, from a gathering of friends on Monday evening to a quiet Sunday afternoon alone.
Terry's signature finger-picking style brings a unique sound to every song on the album. Often referred to as American primitivism, this transitional style ranges between country blues and early 20th century string-band music. Bringing this inventive, artistic style to newly arranged medleys of traditional and contemporary hymns, Terry offers distinctive interpretations of time-tested classics. Hymn provides a memorable listening experience, whether for meditation, relaxation or prayer.
From the medley arrangement "When I Lay My Burden Down/Peace Like a River/At the Cross I Watch and Pray," which takes the listener on a journey of bouncing rhythms, solemn moods, and joyful harmonies, to the contemplative moods of "Gaude Virgo" and "Sacred Silence" to the lighthearted, laidback rendition of "This Little Light of Mine," Hymn offers a rich range of music with wide appeal.